Billingsley Angus Farm
Keithville, Louisiana
Performance Bred Angus Cattle Raised Under Practical Conditions
Billingsley Angus Farm’s primary purpose is to raise genetically superior Angus bulls for the commercial beef cattle industry. We realize that every segment of the beef industry operates on a thin margin, leaving little room for error and making all of the economic traits important. BUT, it has to start with the cow.
Whether you are a seedstock or a commercial producer, you must have an extremely fertile set of cows that milk well and wean a heavy calf every year in order to be successful.
Billingsley Angus Farm’s goal, since 1996, has been to identify the great female sires in the Angus breed and to use the better end of these Angus bulls in complementary matings to produce great Angus females with outstanding performance and acceptable carcass.
Some of the Angus bulls that we built our herd around include, GDAR Traveler 71, TC Dividend 963, Krugerrand Of Donamere 490, TC Stockman 365, Sitz Alliance 6595, TC Freedom 104, Bon View New Design 208, GDAR SVF Traveler 234D, BCC Bushwacker 41-93, Connealy Lead On and Vermillion Dateline 7078.
By breeding for the female, we have been able to continually improve our Angus female base and also to produce Angus bulls that will improve our Customer’s cowherds. That is where Billingsley Angus Farm bulls make their greatest contribution.
With the exception of AI breeding, we run our herd in a similar manner as the commercial herds in our area. Our cows eat grass, limited protein supplement when needed, and we never creep feed.
Billingsley Angus Farm cattle have good, balanced carcass traits and our Angus bulls will produce calves that will wean big, grow through the feeding phase and produce a good female to retain in the herd.
Louisiana Angus Association 2014 Angus Breeder Of The Year!